Catullus 13

Latin text and translation

Line Latin text English translation
1 Cenabis bene, mi Fabulle, apud me You will dine well, my Fabullus, with me
2 paucis, si tibi di favent, diebus in a few days, if the gods favor you,
3 si tecum attuleris bonam atque magnam if with you will have brought a good and great
4 cenam, non sine candida puella meal, not without a fair-skinned girl
5 et vino et sale et omnibus cachinnis and wine and wit and all loud laughter.
6 Haec si, inquam, attuleris, venuste noster, If these, I say, you will have brought, our charming friend,
7 cenabis bene; nam tui Catulli you will dine well, for the purse of your Catullus
8 plenus sacculus est aranearum. is full of cobwebs.
9 Sed contra accipies meros amores But in exchange you will receive pure love
10 seu quid suavius elegantiusve est: or whatever is more sweet or more elegant:
11 nam unguentum dabo, quod meae puellae for I will give perfume, which to my girl
12 donarunt Veneres Cupidinesque, Venuses and Cupids have given,
13 quod tu cum olfacies, deos rogabis, (which) when you will smell (it), you will ask the gods,
14 totum ut te faciant, Fabulle, nasum. to make you, Fabullus, all nose.